Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How social media can help save pets

Yesterday I had a brief yet telling exchange with an employee at the Lorain County (Ohio) Dog Kennel on Facebook.

Rich Kopronica posted on how the LCDK FB page came to be 1 year ago...an idea of his wife's.  Sounds simple:  put up a FB page, show case your dogs and maybe increase awareness of dogs needing homes.  

LCDK dogs are unique...they are usually the abandoned, the unwanted, the abused, scared, lonely and at times the 'banned' (Pit Bulls come to mind).  Lorain County Dog Kennel is a 'kill shelter'...those that are not adopted or pulled by rescue groups are euthanized (thankfully not via a gas chamber any longer but through injection).  In 2011, prior to their FB page, LCDK was 'losing' (euthanizing) 10-12 dogs per week...or over 500 dogs per year.

Fast forward to July 2012....

The Lorain County Dog Kennel Facebook page has over 1,000 followers.  People who look at their page regularly and share their dogs on their own FB page.  The dogs are now being seen by rescues all over the country and by people who normally wouldn't think about going to the kennel for a new family pet.  People are going to the kennel regularly to check out their dogs and adopt them.  Rescues are pulling the dogs and adopting them out to good homes.  

In 2012, Lorain County Dog Kennel has euthanized 10 dogs...this year.  Not this week, not this month but this year.  

I think that is deserving of praise and acknowledgement.  Congratulations to the LCDK, their staff and their hardworking volunteers.  Well done!!!